
Kubeless is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework to build applications with the FaaS model.


Kubeless currently lacks any direct upgrade process, so the existing version has to be removed first.

  • List and then remove existing functions
kubeless function ls -n dictybase
kubeless function delete <NAME HERE> -n dictybase

Remember to use any of the kubectl or helm based removal command.

  • Remove kubeless instances from the cluster, first the CRDs and then the associated namespace
kubectl delete crd functions.kubeless.io
kubectl delete crd cronjobtriggers.kubeless.io
kubectl delete crd httptriggers.kubeless.io
kubectl delete ns kubeless
  • In case of a helm chart installation...
helm delete kubeless --purge
  • Remove the existing kubeless client binary.
  • Continue with the fresh install process.

Fresh install

kubectl create ns kubeless
helm install dictybase/kubeless --version 2.2.0 --name kubeless --namespace kubeless --set rbac.create=true

If you had removed a previous instance of Kubeless, you will need to reinstall any previous functions. At this time you will only need to reinstall

It is also assumed that the following functions have previously been deployed:

These four were only used to add data to the Redis cache. After installation, they do not need to be actively running for any of our software.

Extra sauce (syncing with upstream chart)

The chart in the dictybase helm repository is packaged from the upstream repository. To keep it updated do the following steps:

  • Clone the dictybase helm chart repository
git clone git@github.com:dictybase-docker/kubernetes-charts.git
  • Clone the upstream repository and change to the kubeless folder
git clone https://github.com/helm/charts.git
cd incubator/kubeless
  • Make any changes necessary
  • Package the chart and copy the tarball to the docs folder of dictybase helm chart repository
helm package .
  • Go back to the dictybase helm chart repository and update the package index
helm repo index docs
  • Commit and push the changes.
  • Synchronize the changes with helm client.
helm repo update