We use Helm charts to deploy our software.
Upgrade Helm
It is recommended to upgrade Helm (v2)
to its latest version. As of this
writing upgrade Helm to
v2.17.0. After the
upgrade of the Helm binary, run
helm init --upgrade
Then wait for 5-6 seconds and check the Helm client and server version. They should match each other.
helm version
Create/update chart in the repository
- Clone the dictybase helm chart repository
git clone git@github.com:dictybase-docker/kubernetes-charts.git
- Create appropiate chart folder and add the required files and folders.
- Create package from folder from the root of the cloned repository.
helm package -d docs <FOLDER NAME>
- Update the package index.
helm repo index docs
- Commit the push the changes.
- Synchronize the changes with helm client.
helm repo update