Dicty Configuration
It is necessary to install a chart to store certain secrets and configurations. This guide is for a fresh installation.
Set Up Auth Secrets
Generate Keys
Generating public and private keys is necessary in order to use auth-api-server
openssl genrsa -out app.rsa 2048openssl rsa -in app.rsa -pubout -out app.rsa.pub
Create OAuth Config
The JSON-formatted configuration file should contain client secret keys
for various providers.
The secret key can be obtained by registering a web application with the respective providers.
{"google": "secret-key-xxxxxxxxxxx","linkedin": "secret-key-xxxxxxxxxxx","orcid": "secret-key-xxxxxxxxxxx"...........}
Install Chart
Create YAML values file.
arangodb:user: elainepassword: benesdatabases: # databases that are tied to backend applications- app: modware-annotationname: annotation- app: modware-authname: auth- app: modware-ordername: order- app: modware-stockname: stockendpoints:organism: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dictyBase/migration-data/master/downloads/organisms-with-citations.dev.jsonpublication: https://ericfunc.dictybase.dev/publicationseventMessenger:github:token: GITHUB_TOKEN...owner: dictybase-playgroundrepository: learn-gh-actionemail:domain: ericmail.dictybase.devsender: noreply@ericmail.dictybase.devsenderName: Art VandelayapiKey: MAILGUN_API_KEY...slack:token: SLACK_API_TOKEN...minio:accesskey: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY...secretkey: MINIO_SECRET_KEY...
Now install the chart using this file (dicty-config.yaml
helm install dictybase/dictybase-configuration -f dicty-config.yaml \--set auth.privatekey=$(base64 -w0 app.rsa) --set auth.publickey=$(base64 -w0 app.rsa.pub) \--set auth.config=$(base64 -w0 app.json) --namespace dictybase
Note: if using macOS, it is necessary to remove the -w0
flags from the above command
or change base64
to gbase64
if GNU CoreUtils is installed.