
Issuer and certificates.

Fresh install

Chart version 0.15.2

kubectl create namespace cert-manager
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update
helm install jetstack/cert-manager --name cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v0.15.2 --set installCRDs=true

Issuer and Certificate for HTTPs access

To generate an Issuer resource, create the following helm value file...

namespace: dictybase
name: dictybase-eric-dev

Then install the helm chart to create the resource.

helm install --namespace dictybase --name eric-issuer-certificate -f values.yaml dictybase/issuer

The Certificate resource will be create indirectly by adding one extra annotation to the Ingress manifest. So, pick up any of the ingress value file, add the following anntoation,

cert-manager.io/issuer: <Name of issuer created above>
- secretName: <Name>

Then install the ingress using the helm chart.

helm install -n <release-name> dictybase/dictybase-ingress --namespace dictybase -f values.yaml

The Certificate should be created by cert-manager. Check the presence of certificate

kubectl get certificate -n dictybase

In case of existing ingress

  • Add only the cert-manager.io/issuer annotation. The tls configuration is not needed for an existing secret.
  • To use the same certificate for multiple ingress,
    • Use the same secret in the tls configuration.
    • Do not need to add the cert-manager annotation for more than one ingress.

Upgrading existing cert manager

In case of breaking changes or bump in multiple versions it's advisable to remove and do a fresh install of latest cert-manager using helm chart.

Backup secrets referenced by issue and certificate

Extract the secret names

kubectl get issuers --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.ca.secretName}'
kubectl get issuers --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.acme.privateKeySecretRef.name}'

Backup their manifests

kubectl get secret -n cert-manager -o yaml cert-manager-webhook-ca > cert-manager-webhook-ca.secret
kubectl get secret -n dictybase -o yaml dictybase-devsidd > dictybase-devsidd.secret

The name of the secret in dictybase namespace might vary, so change the name accordingly.
Note: The secrets can be used to transfers the issuers to a different cluster.

Delete existing cert-manager

Remove chart and namespaces

helm delete cert-manager --purge
kubectl delete namespace cert-manager

Remove existing CRDs (change 0.8 to your installed version if necessary)

kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetstack/cert-manager/release-0.8/deploy/manifests/00-crds.yaml

Verify existing CRDs are removed

kubectl get crd | grep certmanager.k8s.io

Next step

Removing cert-manager will remove all issuers and certificate from the cluster while keeping all secrets referenced by issuers and ingresses. So, the following steps will be...

  • Fresh install of cert-manager.
  • Create a new Issuer that references the existing secret.
  • Update ingress using cert-manager annotation and let the tls reference the existing secret. It will indirectly create the Certficate resource.