
ArangoDB is used for multiple backend services.


  • Have a configured (kubectl access)GKE access.
  • Setup cluster admin access.
  • Setup custom storage class to use SSD disk.
  • This guide assumes only one ArangoDB server instance for each cluster.

Fresh Install

ArangoDB custom resource definition (CRD)

Version: 1.0.6

Install two charts, a CRD and deployment controller.

helm install
helm install \
--set=operator.features.deploymentReplications=false --namespace dictybase

In the second step we are disabling deployment replication.

Install arangodb server (single deployment)

helm repo update
helm install dictybase/arangodb --namespace dictybase --set arangodb.dbservers.storageClass=fast \

Here we are using the custom storage class and have also set up the storage space. ArangoDB version 3.6.5 is also installed by default. To see what else you can customize, check out the chart README.

Upgrade existing ArangoDB server

Upgrade server instance

By default the chart will install the ArangoDB version 3.6.5. To use another, pick a different version.

helm repo update
helm upgrade [RELEASE NAME] dictybase/arangodb --set=image.tag=[VERSION] --namespace dictybase

Very important notes

  • Storage space of the database can only be increased, decreasing it is not possible (apparently PVC cannot be shrinked). The pod must be restarted to increase the storage.

    kubectl delete pod [POD NAME] -n dictybase

  • Use the helm chart directly to upgrade for patch versions (3.6.3 -> 3.6.5). To upgrade the minor versions (3.6.5 -> 3.7.2), you should backup and restore the database content in addition to the Helm chart upgrade process.

Remove deployment (NOT CRD)

To upgrade the operator to the latest version with Helm, you have to delete the previous deployment and then install the latest.

HOWEVER: You must not delete the custom resource definitions (CRDs), or your ArangoDB deployments will be deleted!

Therefore, you have to use helm ls to find the deployments for the operator (kube-arangodb) and use helm delete to delete them using the automatically generated deployment names. Here is an example of a helm list output:

% helm ls
steely-mule 1 Sun Mar 31 21:11:07 2019 DEPLOYED kube-arangodb-crd-1.0.6 default
vetoed-ladybird 1 Mon Apr 8 11:36:58 2019 DEPLOYED kube-arangodb-1.0.6 default

So here, you would have to enter

helm delete vetoed-ladybird

Make sure not to delete steely-mule. See official README for more information. If wanting to upgrade to several releases ahead, it is advised to upgrade incrementally (i.e. 1.0.3 to 1.0.5 to 1.0.6, etc.).

Upgrade CRD and install new Deployment

Upgrade the existing CRD (optional).

helm upgrade [RELEASE NAME][VERSION]/kube-arangodb-crd-[VERSION].tgz

Next, install the operator for ArangoDeployment while making sure to disable deployment replication.

helm install[VERSION]/kube-arangodb-[VERSION].tgz \
--set=operator.features.deploymentReplications=false --namespace dictybase

Verify that everything is working as expected, then proceed to the next version. Repeat as necessary.

Create new databases (in existing server instance)

- annotation
- auth
- order
- stock
user: george
password: costanza
grant: rw
helm install dictybase/arango-create-database --namespace dictybase -f config.yaml

Note: this chart is capable of creating both databases and users in one shot. If the user george in this example does not exist, this chart will create the user and grant them rw permissions for the databases listed. If the user does exist, this will update their grant privileges to rw or whatever you specify.

You can add more database names in the names parameters as necessary. Existing ones will be skipped and new ones will be created.